Arcturian Starseed

Interdimensional Chakra Healing is a form of healing the energetic body layers of the physical, emotional, auric, and greater light fields of your being, through your chakra's with the assistance of your own Star Guides, Protectors, and Angels.


Chakra charging, chakra re-activation, chakra reconnecting, chakra clearing, cleaning, and unblocking, and 12 strand DNA activation and re-connection. Clairvoyant channel of the Star Guides.

Interdimensional Energy Healing sessions combine shamanic journeying and energy healing and realignment. Clients enjoy a state of relaxation as the practitioner offers energy balancing of the chakra system (energetic vortices in the body that affect the organs, endocrine, and hormonal functioning) applied through consultation of the star guides and working with the energetic fields of the physical human condition.

During the healing session, the practitioner enters into a shamanic journey and channel to ask for beneficial messages and information that will be helpful to the client. Offered information often relates to health, relationships, work, past lives, spirit guides, or close relations that have crossed over.

The practitioner spends the latter part of the session reviewing a summary of the messages received, and discussing the deeper meanings and any homework required by the client.

Sessions run approximately 50~60 mins, remotely on Zoom or in person. Audio is recorded and sent for review after the session.




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Customer Reviews

I met IRa at his stall at the markets and immediately felt relaxed to ask questions to choose the reading I wanted.
I was struck by his wealth of information that flowed from every card I drew, he seemed to be receiving what I needed to hear and my heart leapt as I acknowledged the wisdom and compassion I was receiving.

I fully recommend a session with IRa.

Vicki Schoen

I found my reading with Paulio (IRa), to be very insightful. All guidance was what I needed at the time, it all rung true. We decided to have him work at our shop (Get Ya Rocks Off Crystals Bunbury) doing readings for sometime which assisted our customers in need of guidance. He brings his own personal touch with the guidance he gives following his true soul path. I found him to be a very advanced soul sent here for a higher purpose.

Rod Jeffery

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Frequently Asked Question

How do these sessions work?

All sessions are channelled by IRa with the assistance of our "Guides" (yours and mine), telepathically. With "intent", and "co-operation", we are assisted by the Interdimensional Beings whom are our "Angels" in this lifetime. They have access to our energetic fields and akash only when we affirm this intervention, as stated by Universal Law. IRa is a catalyst for this process with your intent to heal.

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Why are Interdimensional Beings involved here?

In understanding the universe, all souls are a magnificent creation of "Source Energy". Interdimensional Beings are no different to humans in this way, only that they live in different bodies to our own and in different star systems. For the most part, they are far more spiritually advanced to us, and are very familiar with their origins as Source Energy Beings. Our family members who pass over to the other side become very aware of this phenomenon quickly, and usually travel back to their own origins as Soul to be healed, before coming back to assist our physical lives as "Angels". They're ability to transcend time and to be in more than one place is natural to them, in the ethers, as consciousness. This is how IRa is able to telepathically connect with them all.

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What can I expect from this session?

A change in your heart space. A heightened sense of intuition and 6th sense. Expansion of consciousness, a knowing. You will likely feel a "shift" in your mental state of mind, and how you change your perception in your daily life. With healing, you will likely notice or feel a shift in your body.

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Get In Touch



Post Office:

PO Box 6133, South Bunbury, WA, 6230

Assistance Hours

Mon – Sat 10:00am – 1:00pm

Sunday – CLOSED

Phone Number:

0419 951 133

Spencer St, Bunbury WA 6230, Australia

Office: Spencer st, Bunbury, WA, 6230


0419 951 133



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